Thermodyne’s hot food holding cabinets and slow cook-and-hold ovens are the ideal solutions for achieving consistent temperatures and moist, flavorful dishes for large gatherings. Here’s how Thermodyne can help you master Thanksgiving catering, along with a few recipe ideas that are sure to impress.
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Cooking Tips & Recipes
Foodborne illness in the United States is a major cause of personal distress, preventable death, and avoidable economic burden. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Model Food Code estimates that 76 million people become ill from microorganisms in food resulting in as many as 5,000 needless deaths every year.
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Cooking Tips & Recipes
Stewing may be a slow cooking method but may be worth the wait if you get everything right. You'll be sure of an aromatic, mouth-watering meal of beef mixed with vegetables and other ingredients if you grasp these simple basics of stewing.
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Cooking Tips & Recipes
If you're looking to keep your countertop food warmers full of seasonal spring entrées, look no further. We've scoured the web and gathered a few of our favorite options. Depending on your local area, these items may be considered "in season" at slightly different times of the year, so always be sure to double-check that you can access the freshest ingredients before you get started.
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Cooking Tips & Recipes
Pot roasts are great for game day because you can prepare everything in the morning, set a timer, and enjoy the fruits of your labor without many dishes. Depending on the crowd, pot roast leftovers are also awesome.
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Cooking Tips & Recipes
One of the benefits of low-temperature cooking is that you can gather your ingredients, get them going, and then move on with your day as your next meal slowly simmers for hours. One of the most delightful dishes to slow cook is a rich, hearty stew.
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Cooking Tips & Recipes
With Valentine's Day 2022 right around the corner, the time is right to plan your menu for the night. Whether you're cooking for a partner or for a group, you'll find the following recipes perfect to cook and hold for your holiday meal.
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Cooking Tips & Recipes
There's no getting around it: in December, most Americans are either throwing holiday parties or attending holiday parties. If catering is your career, then you have more than your share of work ahead of you. In the coming weeks, why not lighten your party-prep workload by choosing some holiday favorites to cook ahead of time and then hold until it's time to serve the guests?
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Cooking Tips & Recipes
Marinating is a cooking technique that is amazing for adding flavor to food. Marinades can be used on poultry, red meat, fish, or even vegetables. Marinades are also a great way to tenderize tough meat. Being able to make a good marinade is a valuable skill for any cook to have. Here are six essential tips for marinating properly.
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Cooking Tips & Recipes
If you're going to make your desserts ahead of time and want to serve them up warm as if they've come straight from the oven, you'll want to do some planning ahead. Either you'll have to time the completion of your dessert to sync up perfectly with the end of your meal, or you'll want to consider desserts that will fare well in a food warming cabinet.
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Cooking Tips & Recipes
The temps may be dropping and leaves may be falling from the trees, but things are heating up in the kitchen! Don't miss your chance to get cozy this autumn with these delicious stewing options.
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Cooking Tips & Recipes
If you are looking for an excellent way to cook your meat, you should definitely consider braising it. This form of cooking involves first cooking the meat dry with spices and then adding water to it. You will then cook it at a lower temperature for a long period of time. Here are three excellent reasons to braise your meat.
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Cooking Tips & Recipes
Marinating your meat is an excellent way to add flavor to it and ensure that it tastes delicious. However, if you choose to marinate your meat, it is crucial that you marinate it properly.
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Cooking Tips & Recipes