Thermodyne’s hot food holding cabinets and slow cook-and-hold ovens are the ideal solutions for achieving consistent temperatures and moist, flavorful dishes for large gatherings. Here’s how Thermodyne can help you master Thanksgiving catering, along with a few recipe ideas that are sure to impress.
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Cooking Tips & Recipes
Patatas Bravas is an excellent dish that is typically served in tapa bars and is native to Spain. This tasty disc typically consists of white potatoes, cut into irregular shapes. The potatoes are then fried in oil and served warm with a sauce such as a spicy tomato sauce or an aioli.
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Cooking Tips & Recipes
Differences in ingredients and cooking techniques can make a dish more or less likely to fare well with this method. If you're interested in cooking and holding a dish or two this fall, then look no further. We have some suggestions for you.
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Cooking Tips & Recipes
Vanilla bean-butter poached lobster is a unique take on lobster. Combining vanilla flavoring with butter is a great flavor different than traditional drawn butter.
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Cooking Tips & Recipes
The most practical method of preparing food for large events, often entails the use of a buffet table. There are many advantages to using a buffet table, the main…
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Cooking Tips & Recipes
If you're new to the business of cooking and holding food, then you have somewhat of a learning curve ahead of you. Rather than let you make your own mistakes and learn solely by trial and error, we've put together a short list of tips to…
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Cooking Tips & Recipes
According to Merriam-Webster, marinating is “to put meat or fish in a sauce for a period of time to add flavor or to make the meat or fish more tender.” Marinating food, a technique at least as old as the Renaissance, is the perfect way to…
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Cooking Tips & Recipes
Use Countertop Food Warmers to Keep Your Appetizers Fresh. If you are looking to keep your appetizers fresh when catering a big event, look no further than our line of premium countertop food warmers. Although chafing dishes may seem like a…
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Cooking Tips & Recipes
We all know that slow cooking has many benefits, among them the fact that slow cookers use less energy. Another benefit is that slow cooking requires less time spent over the stove in the kitchen, and therefore frees us to complete other…
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Cooking Tips & Recipes
According to The Nibble, July is quite an exciting food month. In addition to Independence Day—the best day of the year for cookouts—there’s also at least one food holiday every day of the month. As you’re preparing food, consider a few…
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Cooking Tips & Recipes
When most people think of slow cooking, they may consider the seasons of fall and winter, when the short days, cold afternoons, and long night’s pair well with fragrant, slow-cooked dishes slowly filling the house with savory aromas.…
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Cooking Tips & Recipes
June is National Turkey Month! Given how much turkey Americans generally consume during November and December, we are as surprised as anybody that National Turkey Month falls in the summer, but no matter when it falls during the calendar…
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Cooking Tips & Recipes
If you work in a commercial kitchen, then it is likely that you care for at least one electric food warmer. If that is the case, then you know that caring for industrial kitchen appliances is slightly different from caring for home…
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Cooking Tips & Recipes