Thermodyne’s hot food holding cabinets and slow cook-and-hold ovens are the ideal solutions for achieving consistent temperatures and moist, flavorful dishes for large gatherings. Here’s how Thermodyne can help you master Thanksgiving catering, along with a few recipe ideas that are sure to impress.
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Cooking Tips & Recipes
Conduction is one of three ways to accomplish heat transfer and cook food. Through conduction, heat is transferred through direct contact with a heat source. Through convection, heat transfers through liquid; and through radiation, heat waves pass through the air and into the food.
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Cooking Tips & Recipes
As we slowly approach the end of summer, the time has come to maximize the time we have. All too soon, the seasons will change. The days will shorten and the air temperatures plummet. Before fall arrives, why not consider filling your hot food holding cabinets with some summer cookout favorites?
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Cooking Tips & Recipes
Braising food is one of the easiest ways to pull restaurant patrons in and score 5-star reviews so why don’t more establishments do it? Perhaps many mistakenly believe that their staff must babysit the dish as it cooks. Or, they could worry that something will go wrong with the mirepoix. We have solutions to both problems starting with the latter.
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Cooking Tips & Recipes
During the winter months, most of us love warming our kitchens with hearty, fragrant dishes. In the summer, however, it's a different story. While temperatures rise and energy levels drop, the last thing most of us want is extra heat in…
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Cooking Tips & Recipes
Good news! August is National Panini Month! We couldn't think of a better way for you to celebrate than by filling your commercial food warmers with stacks of piping-hot grilled sandwiches. To that end, we've put together a collection of our favorite panini recipes to get you started with your planning.
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Cooking Tips & Recipes
If the bright sun and warm breezes have you excited, then you are not alone. We are all happy to have summer here at last. Why not celebrate by filling your food warmers with these fresh summer treats?
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Cooking Tips & Recipes
We all know the joys of summer backyard cookouts. The main components include friends, games, mosquito repellent, and - naturally - food. In order for your party to count as a cookout, of course, you'll need to grill the meat during the actual event. To simplify your hosting duties, consider preparing your sides ahead of time through good, old-fashioned low-temperature cooking methods.
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Cooking Tips & Recipes
One of the benefits to marinating your dishes ahead of time, especially your meats, is that they deeply absorb the flavors of whatever herbs or spices you choose to marinate them in. That means, of course, that to pull off a successful marinade, you must plan ahead. Fortunately, we are here to help smooth the way.
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Cooking Tips & Recipes
If you are looking for fresh ideas to keep your hot food holding cabinets filled with tasty treats this May, consider some of the following. Recommendations to fill your hot food holding cabinets this May
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Cooking Tips & Recipes
When your time comes this spring, don't overlook your countertop food warmers. Although these handy kitchen appliances tend to be very low-maintenance, they do need some attention from time to time.
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Cooking Tips & Recipes
As temperatures slowly inch their way back up this spring, perhaps it's time to heat things up in your hot food holding cabinets! We mean that both literally and metaphorically, of course. With these recipes on hand, you'll be ready to serve up hot, toasty meals that are warm both to the touch and the palate!
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Cooking Tips & Recipes
One way to keep your menus fresh is to focus on seasonal favorites. Not only will this habit keep you from falling into predictable routines, but it will also ensure that the best and freshest ingredients are available when you need them. After checking to see what's in season for April, we've put together a helpful list of links to help spark your menu-planning imagination.
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Cooking Tips & Recipes