Use Countertop Food Warmers to Keep Your Appetizers Fresh
Use Countertop Food Warmers to Keep Your Appetizers Fresh. If you are looking to keep your appetizers fresh when catering a big event, look no further than our line of premium countertop food warmers. Although chafing dishes may seem like a good option for appetizers, in the long run, they do not maintain the integrity of the food as well as countertop food warmers do. Additionally, countertop food warmers can often hold a higher quantity of food than a chafing dish will, meaning larger events are better served with countertop food warmers. When considering your appetizer options for big events, remember that some dishes tend to hold better than others. A Few Appetizer Recommendations For a burst of flavor, we recommend these Southwest-Style Cheesy Sausage Roll-Ups, which are nearly as delightful to look at as they are to eat. For something just as tasty, but a bit less labor-intensive, you could whip up a few batches of Cheese Gougères. For those requiring a vegan option, why not try some Vietnamese Spring Rolls with Spicy Peanut Sauce?
Not only will these appetizer choices delight your guests, but they will also perfectly lend themselves to being prepared well ahead of time and kept fresh in your very own countertop food warmers. Remember that here at Thermodyne Foodservice Products, Inc., we have been in the business of providing quality food warmers for commercial kitchen use since 1987. If you have questions about our products, or if you would like to hear about our current deals, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to serving you.
Posted in: Cooking Tips & Recipes