Simplify Food Preparation With a Slow Cook and Hold Oven
When you run a restaurant, a cafeteria, or a catering service, you need to think about how you're going to cook large amounts of food and keep it warm. The demands on a commercial kitchen are quite different from the demands on your kitchen at home. That's why you need to get different types of equipment which will enable you to cook and warm food in large quantities. A slow cook and hold oven can help you do this.
The Importance of Preparation in the Hospitality Industry
When someone comes to your restaurant or cafeteria and orders something, you're not going to sit down and make that thing from scratch. You'll probably already have it cooked and waiting in the kitchen or you might have a part of it cooked so that you can throw the rest together.
For example, you may have the vegetables chopped and the meat sliced. Plus, you may already have the rice and gravy cooked. So, you can sauté the veggies and meat when the order comes in, then place it over a bed of rice and pour some gravy over it, and take it out to your customer.
The point is that at least part, if not all, of your dishes, will need to be pre-cooked. This is where a slow cook and hold oven comes into the picture. As the name suggests, a slow cook and hold oven can help you to cook food and keep it warm, thus killing two birds with one stone.
Providing Quality Food Within a Short Time Period
In the hospitality industry, it's important to give your customer their food within a decent period of time. At the same time, the food can't be over or undercooked. Nor should it have the appearance of having been cooked long ago and reheated when the order was placed.
A slow cook and hold oven can help you to cook food and keep it at the right temperature so that your customer doesn't find it over or under-cooked. And at the same time, it can help you to fulfill the customer's order within a decent period of time.
So if you run a restaurant, a cafeteria, a fast food place, or a catering business, a slow cook and hold oven can solve a lot of problems and help you to serve your customer quality food in a timely manner.
Contact us to learn more about why a slow cook and hold oven is right for your business.
Posted in: Innovation