Rethermalizing Food: Three Key Considerations
Rethermalizing Food: Three Key Considerations. Many commercial kitchens depend on previously-cooked or pre-prepared entrees and sides. In order for these food items to be safely prepared for a quality dining experience, they must be rethermalized. When it comes to choosing the correct system for rethermalizing food, there are three key considerations to make. Consideration One: Control Because the food has already been cooked prior to the rethermalization process, it's important to ensure that the food doesn't dry out or overcook while it's being heated. To that end, careful temperature control is absolutely necessary. Consideration Two: Labor Effectiveness A primary reason for a commercial kitchen to rely on pre-prepared foods in the first place is to save labor in the direct lead-up to the meal. If the rethermalization process is labor-intensive, then the entire process is undermined. Whatever system is used must be simple and labor-saving. Consideration Three: Durability A rethermalization system that is both easy to control and labor effective would be of little use if the process could not be repeated. Whatever system is used must be designed to last for the long haul, made from durable system components.
For these three reasons and many more, you should consider Thermodyne Foodservice Products for all of your rethermalization needs. Thermodyne has been in the business of supplying commercial kitchens with the tools they need since 1987. If you have questions, comments, or further considerations regarding rethermalizing foods; or if you have questions about our line of premium kitchen products, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to serving you. About Thermodyne Foodservice Products: Founded in 1987, Thermodyne Food Service Products, Inc. specializes in manufacturing of both countertop and full size hot food holding cabinets. Each unit features Thermodyne’s patented Fluid Shelf® Technology, in which low-temperature heat is transferred throughout each shelf rather than through the air, ensuring food quality and safety while allowing food products to be held for extended periods. Contact us today to find out the amazing flexibility and serving capabilities made possible by Fluid Shelf Technology.
Posted in: Cooking Tips & Recipes