6 Tips for Stewing Beef
Beef stew is a great tasting, wholesome, healthy, and appetizing dish. It's also great for the cold weather. Here are some tips for creating the best beef stew.
Choose the Right Meat
It's best to choose tough cuts of meat instead of lean ones when making stew. Tough meats become tender when stewed. Chuck meat is a very good choice for stew.
Remove the Fat
It's a good idea to remove the fat when creating beef stew. This will ensure that the meat is soft and tender, but not a piece of fatty glob.
Sear the Meat First
Before dropping the pieces of meat into the stew, sear them. Make sure they are browned on both sides. It's best to have them more than just slightly browned. Browning the meat before stewing it will add an additional flavor.
Stew for the Right Amount of Time
Stew for a long time so that the meat gets well cooked and tender. At the same time, you don't want to cook it for too long, or else the meat will be overcooked and the stew can get too thick. Two to three hours is a good time frame.
Add the Vegetables Later
The vegetables take shorter to cook than the meat. You shouldn't add them at the same time. Add the meat first, let it cook, and then add the vegetables half an hour to an hour before you finish cooking.
Serve It With Something Else
Stew is best served with something else. It can be something as simple as bread or noodles but don't serve the stew alone.
You'll need the best cooking equipment to create the perfect stew. Contact us for more information.
Posted in: Cooking Tips & Recipes