3 Excellent Reasons To Braise Your Meat

Braised Food

If you are looking for an excellent way to cook your meat, you should definitely consider braising it. This form of cooking involves first cooking the meat dry with spices and then adding water to it. You will then cook it at a lower temperature for a long period of time. Here are three excellent reasons to braise your meat. 

It Locks In Flavor

One great reason to braise your meat is to lock in its flavor. When you sear the meat, you cook just the exterior of the meat, this helps to keep all the delicious juices inside and makes the meat much more flavorful. If you don't braise your meat, you may find that a lot of the flavor leaves the meat as it cooks, and it doesn't taste nearly as good. 

It Tenderizes The Meat 

Braising meat is also an excellent way to make it more tender. When you cook the meat for longer at a lower temperature, you help to break down the collagen that binds the meat together. This helps the meat to fall apart more easily and gives it a wonderful texture. This makes eating the meat more enjoyable and requires less chewing.

It Creates Amazing Gravy

When the meat is first seared and then cooked in liquid, you have a lot of flavor in the liquid. Because of this, you can easily use this leftover liquid to create a delicious gravy to pour over the meat once it is done. You can add some different spices to the liquid once it is done to give it a bit more flavor, Then, to thicken the gravy, you can simply add flour or corn starch to it, and it will be ready to go. 

To learn more excellent reasons why you should braise your meat, visit us today at Thermodyne Foodservice Products, Inc.

Braising Meats

Posted in: Cooking Tips & Recipes