Food Warmer Success on the Bayou
At Thermoydne Foodservice Products, we understand the rigorous demands of the foodservice industry. While we strive to manufacturer our equipment to meet the demands of this industry, “built to last” is clearly one of the most important aspects of our equipment line. It’s not everyday we get positive feedback from our customers, but it certainly is refreshing to hear our equipment is helping people make a difference in their business, not only that but the fact that they believe in our equipment and purchased another unit for their growing operations.
“In the past we have used several different brands and styles of food warmers all of which had similar problems. These were totally electric warmers and the electronics were in the bottom of the unit. Due to the moisture content of the prepared food and clean up of the unit we tended to have regular problem with the circuits. We purchased our first Thermodyne warmer in 2009 and it has proved to be a vast improvement over any other unit we have had. Due to the location of the electronics and control system and also the Fluid Shelf Technology it has been virtually maintenance free. The few problems I have had were easily corrected and the parts were readily available. This unit is very easy to service and maintain.
We recently purchased our second Thermodyne unit and expect the same reliable service.
We will continue to be a reliable customer.”
-Ronnie Lockwood, Tony’s Seafood Market & Deli, Baton Rouge LA
Thanks for taking the time to let us know what we are doing right Ronnie!
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